This site was created as a project at my time as a member of the Enlight Web Development Cohort.
The project displays past projects, experiences and education of mine. The past projects lead to links that display the inspiration for each, what each project does, how each project was built, and what challenges were found when creating each project.
With the program I was in, they gave us a template to use to create the website, which was the main creation of it. I mainly filled in my information, added images, added information, added pages, and created a navbar that leads back to the homepage.
Creating the navbar was a challenge I found. The navbar would work perfectly fine on the first page, but when you click on the link of a project, the page would have the navbar image oversized and overlapping the information displayed. I only recently fixed this bug by going into the code and deleting where I added a link connected to an image instead of adding the navbar.